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About Me

Mapping Winnipeg came from a desire to help others. There is a strong focus on family activities, being a parent myself, I know how for some families getting out, exploring, and looking at decorations, contributes to better mental health.

I struggled with post partum depression after my daughter was born, what got me through were support groups, mom groups and getting out of the house.

My mental health took another downward turn after the pandemic hit, only 4 months after I felt like I had recovered from PPD.

I had been making maps of homes decorated for Halloween and Christmas in my own neighborhood, Transcona for several years, and decided that 2020 was the year to make each of those maps city wide. It was a lot of work, but I loved it. I loved spreading joy! It kept me busy, it gave me a purpose outside of being a mother, and It really filled my cup knowing that people all around Winnipeg were using the maps and enjoying them. The positive feedback was overwhelming, and I decided to keep creating more maps of Winnipeg based on what I thought would be helpful to the people of Winnipeg.


Carol Cassell

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